FISH! Food for Thought #4: “10 Rules of Goal Setting”

As the year has brought all of us to the doorstep of Trimester #2 (In math terms-1/3 of the year has gone by), Iʻd like you to ponder, reflect, and self-evaluate.  What can we do to continue to learn, grow, & amaze ourselves?  The video shares rules for goal setting.

10 Rules of Goal Setting:

1) Be Decisive   2) Stay Focused   3) Write Down Your Goals   4) Plan Thoroughly   5) Involve Others   6) Welcome Failure   7) Take Purposeful Action   8) Inspect What You Expect   9) Reward Yourself   10) Maintain Personal Integrity

Click on the link “goals”above to watch the short video. After watching the video once, be thoughtful about what it is saying…Can you make personal connections? Is there a rules that you feel you could use a little work on? Is there a rules that you choose to follow already?

Now, take out a binder paper and jot down some notes as you watch the video AGAIN. What does each rule mean to you? Which one(s) “grab” you? Think about a specific goal…Reading 9 genres this trimester? Completing the million words by the end of the year? Completing IXL skills to mastery weekly? Turning in homework daily and on time? Or any other goal you may have that MUST be school- related.  Share your manaʻo on how you can use a SPECIFIC rule(s) from the video to attain your goal. Share the goal, the rule(s), and your personal connection. Please write a thoughtful, vocabulary rich paragraph or two (max) that are free from spelling & grammatical errors. Revise and double check your work prior to sending your comment in! Due date: Tues., Nov. 6th.  5 B Ohana, KS Ohana, Former 5B FISH!: Please feel free to share your manaʻo on goal setting too.  Weʻd love to hear your thoughts.  All student responses will be posted on the due date. If you have done this assignment early, look for it on Tuesday. 🙂

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