FISH! Food for Thought #2: What Can People Learn From Geese?

Pulling Together.

Click on the link above to watch a short, inspiring video on Geese. Many people feel that human beings are the smartest on our planet, but after watching this video, do you feel the same? Learning can be done everywhere! Not only in school or at home, not only from a teacher or an adult, it can happen anywhere, anytime, from anyone or anything! Everything on our Planet Earth is INTERDEPENDENT…

in·ter·de·pend·ent   [in-ter-di-pen-duhnt]
mutually dependent; depending on each other.
What can we as human beings learn from other species that live on the planet? What did you learn after watching the video. Share your manaʻo in a thoughtful, detailed paragraph. As usual, check the spelling, make sure you added proof/evidence from the video to support your answers, revise if needed, & comment. 

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