Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 10-14

Remember to wear your Dress White on Monday!

Aloha e nā 5B Haumāna a me nā Ohana,
Get out those calendars, here is a quick glance & heads up for the upcoming week.

Mon. Sept. 10-Day 5: K-5 Ekalesia @ Lunalilo Hale. Donʻt forget to wear your dress whites. Girls need to wear skirts and boys need to wear slacks. It is mandatory!

Thurs., Sept. 13-Day 2: Donʻt forget your swim clothes, 5B goes swimming for P.E. with Mrs. Lee. The Book Fair begins today, check out those flyers that went home on Friday. PTO will be having a general membership meeting in the afternoon.

Fri., Sept. 14-Day 3: The 5th Graders go on Huakaʻi to Mokupāpapa today to study the impact humans make on our oceans, testing the water quality of Hilo Bay, & looking at organisms in the water. Reminder that dress codes still apply on Huakaʻi. Weʻll be returning to school for lunch.  5B will be going to the Book Fair this afternoon! Donʻt forget to bring in your money… This is a great time to purchase a book to meet our reading and genre goals for this trimester as well as helping our PTO!  Mahalo Aunty Pohai for chairing this great event!

Just a reminder: At times, students are required to complete homework on-line by posting a comment to our class blog or complete and IXL Math assignment.  They also may be asked to use their newly created Google Docs account to continue a project started in class, if your foresee this to be problem due to no internet at home, please send me a note.  We are so blessed to have many computers for student use in the CRBLC as well as in our lab for this purpose.

**Heads Up Ohana:  Wed., Sept. 19 is an EARLY RELEASE DAY.  The school day will end at 1:30pm, please make the appropriate arrangements! 🙂

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