Ohana Alert: Week of March 5-9, 2012

Photo at Trimester Awards Assembly

Aloha e na ohana!

Here’s the week at a glance.

Monday, Mar. 5-Day 3: Ekalesia @ Lunalilo Hale.  It is also Spirit Week Dress Up Day!  You DO NOT need to wear your dress whites today if you “Dress Up!”

Tuesday, Mar. 6-Day 4: Hāweo Luncheon today.  It is Sports Day for Spirit Week…come dressed up showing off your favorite sport! It is also library day, don’t forget to bring your books to return.

Wed. Mar. 7-Day 5: Beach Day today.  Grade 3-5 teachers will be at a meeting, you will have a substitute, but I will return in time for Student Led Conferences.

Thurs. & Fri., Mar. 8-9:  NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS.  You must meet for your student led conferences.  Once you are done, have a Happy Spring Break!

Haumana:  Don’t forget to share with ohana about play costumes.  The play will be on Thurs., March 29th.  Time to be announced soon!

See you all on Tues., March 20!

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