Open House 2016 & Ohana Alert for the Week of Aug. 29-Sept. 2

Aloha Friday! One Team, One Heart!

Aloha Friday! One Team, One Heart!

Aloha 5B Ohana,

Mahalo nui for your partnership and for joining us to make Open House a huge success! Hope you enjoyed viewing your keiki’s welcome into our class as we did making it for you!   For those who could not make it, information will be going home with students tomorrow, Mon. Aug. 29.

Here’s our week at a glance for the upcoming week:

Mon., Aug. 29-Day 6: ‘Aha ‘Øpio campaign speeches today!  Students will be voting on ipads, please make sure that ipads are in class fully charged!

Wed., Aug. 31-Day 2: Birthday Celebrations for August during lunch.

Thurs., Sept. 1-Day 3:  Yearbook Picture Taking today!

Fri., Sept. 2:  NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS…K-12 Teacher Inservice…Have a great long weekend kiddies!  Enjoy your ohana time!

Here’s a conversation starter to discuss the happenings in our “FISH”bowl!  We had a blast talking with Miss Galang about Rio!  Ask your keiki all about it!

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