Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 24-28

Screen Shot 2014-11-22 at 1.50.48 PMWow, time is sure flying by!  What’s that old saying, “Time sure flies, when you’re having fun!” It’s already Thanksgiving week and I can hear those jingle bells in the distance!  Here’s the upcoming week at a glance…get those calendars out…

**Friendly Heads Up Reminder:  Don’t forget to continue reading!  9 genres are due on Fri., Feb. 6th at the end of the school day 🙂  Plan ahead to meet your self-set reading goals too!  As many of you mentioned during Student-Led conferences, don’t procrastinate 🙂  I know you can do it!

Mon., Nov. 24-Day 6: Thanksgiving Convocation today @ Lunalilo Hale.  All of the generous donations for Operation Christmas Child will be blessed today!  Please wear your mandatory dress whites today!

Wed., Nov. 26-Day 2: Aloha Wear Day!  It is also 1st Trimester Awards assembly today and  Birthday celebration.  7 IXL skills are due today.

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Thurs., & Fri., Nov. 27-28:  THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY…

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