Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 1-5


Aloha e nå Ohana 5B!

Let me begin by sending a huge MAHALO to all of you who joined us for Open House 2014 and making it a huge success!

As promised, you can count on an “Ohana Alert” posting every Sunday by 6pm.  This will share the happenings of the week that you might want to mark in your calendars…Our class blog will also keep you up to date on what is going on in the classroom too.  As the launch of our iPads happens on Tues., Sept. 2, you can also look forward to students sharing their mana’o on the class blog as well!  “Dive Into Our FISH!bowl” often, please feel free to post a comment or two also.  The students love it when ohana joins in!  Here’s are tips to remember:  When you see magenta text, students must respond and if you see blue text, it is important info for ohana.  You might want to click on the “mini me” voki on the top right of the blog page, as it will share info as well. 🙂

Here goes…the first Ohana Alert for the school year 2014-2015!


Tues., Sept. 2-Day 5: Students who are running for student council will be sharing their campaign speeches & the election will be taking place soon after:)   iPad Launch is finally happening!  Students will be getting iPads today!

Wed., Sept. 3-Day6: Art Special today

Thurs., Sept. 4-Day1: Yearbook Picture Taking! Break out those combs and brushes and of course those big, beautiful smiles!

Heads up for the upcoming week:  Mon., Sept. 8-Day 3: Substitute may be in class.  I have jury duty on that day.  Will keep posted as I know more.

Have a great week!

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