Tri #2 Student Led Conferences

Tri #2 Student Led Conferences.
Ooops we did it again! When the year began, who would have thought that the 5B FISH! would be using their techie skills to reflect and share their learning with ohana. They did it! The first trimester conferences went swimmingly with the students trailblazing their way into our techie world by sharing their eProgressfolio from their iPad screens.

Then…we were blessed in our classroom with a short throw projector and an Apple TV. Of course, the students set new goals to EPIC app-smash because now their eProgressfolios would take the big screen with the help of our new hardware! Families were “wowʻd with their techie skills, but most importantly, the deep reflection on learning as students shared their stregths and areas of need. The ohana feedback was ALL so positive! The FISH! continue to swim strong as they incorporate even more new learning into the last trimester! Stay tuned! Click on the link above to see our journey!

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