Hi 5B Parents,

Just a friendly reminder…when you see the MAGENTA PINK TEXT in any of our class blog posts, it means a “call to action” for students.  It means that students are REQUIRED to post a comment.  To check if your child completed the required assignment, click on the comment button and check if your child submitted a reply.  Thank you for your assistance from home,  I appreciate our partnership to help all students strive to THRIVE!

UPDATED 11/6/13 @ 6:08PM…Mahalo to the 13 families who have already completed the parent survey a few posts below!  You feedback is so valuable! 🙂  If you have not completed it, it is NOT too late to have your voices heard…please scroll down a few post back and look for the big yellow ! and click on the “PARENT SURVEY” link to complete. Thank you for being a partner to help us “dive deeper” into the 21st century! (Just a friendly reminder that BLUE mean…Attention Ohana.)  Have a great evening!  

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