Morning Message for the Nov. 6

Aloha e nå Haumåna,

Today, we’ll be finishing up our project connected to our Huaka’i to Hamakua Spring Farms in Book Creator!  We are also going to be looking at local feature articles.  We get to watch the dress rehearsal of the performance “South Pacific” with our own teammate Ehulani in it and cheer her on.  Remember to be good audience members.

In morning meeting, we will be discussing “App-Smashing!”  Do you know what that is?  Take a few minutes to find out!  Write your thoughts on app-smashing and share what you could do if you smash some apps.  Post a comment on this! 🙂  I lå maika’i e nå keiki!

**NOTE:  Did you check out our cluster map counter?  We did it!  Over 10,000 hits!  If you divide the amount of hits by 1000 and then take the number of hits 24.689 and Divide it by your product, what answer do you get?  🙂  Sneaking in math practice too!

P.S. Iʻm hoping to learn all about App Smashing and how other classes around our world are using this concept to help students learn in Boston!  Its on my TO DO IN BOSTON list!

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