Here We Come- 10,000 Hits From Around the World!

Our Class Blog Counters

Our Class Blog Counters

Ever wonder what those counters on our blog are counting?  Ever wonder why the counters were not in sync?  Ever clicked on the cluster map?

We are almost at 10,000 hits!

Let me share some information with you to better understand this…well, the “hit counter” counts the actual number of times people go to our class blog.  It will count every time you visit.  If you check our class blog multiple times a day, the hit counter will count every time you do.  As for the cluster map, thatʻs a little different, hence the discrepancy with the numbers.  The cluster map will count each computer location only once every 24 hours.  So, if you check out blog multiple times a day, it will register only once in a 24 hour period.  The red dots represent locations of visitors, the larger the dot, the more visitors from that location. The yellow dot represents the most recent visitor location.  If you actually click on the map, it will share even more information.  It will share a short list of visitor locations with you.  Youʻd expect to see a lot of Big Island locations listed, but Iʻve found that people from other states have “dove” into our class blog too, even people from other countries.  If you scroll down even further, youʻll see the number of people and a breakdown by state and country with country flags too!  You donʻt have to worry about privacy issues, it doesnʻt share your exact location, it just shares general information!  🙂

Looking at the difference, it shows that our ohana members are probably checking blog multiple times a day AND that different members of an ohana check the blog out (students and parents) from the same computer.  Hope this helps to understand our blog a little better!  Look forward to more information on how to navigate our class blog more efficiently and to get the information that you need!

Have a great day! 

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