More Genre Gold Club Members!

New Genre Gold Members!

New Genre Gold Members!

Congrats to Sarah, Kylan, & Wallace for joining the Genre Gold Club by completing the 9 genre requirement for this trimester!  Knew you could do it!  The students continue to strive, or should I say “swim” towards their reading goals!  One third of the class have met their trimester goals and a great number more shared with me they just need to complete the vocabulary!  Letʻs shoot for 100% Goal Meeting Readers this trimester!  **Reminder that the last day to complete book and submit the vocabulary is on Oct. 29th.  Keep reading and join these students as a Genre Gold Club member!  Thank you Ohana for all your support at home with signing the reading logs, reminders, and cheering on!  It is much appreciate! 🙂

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