Meet our First MILLIONAIRE!



Meet our first MILLIONAIRE for this school year!  Great Job, Sophia!

Way back in August when I first shared that our goal for the year was to read one million words, I received all kinds of looks!  Sophia gave me the look of confidence, the look of the “hiki no” attitude, and dived right in!  Sophia is the first inductee into the MILLIONAIREʻS CLUB!  She said she was “up for the challenge and looked forward to choosing books on her own that was of interest to her!”  She said that being able to take on the responsibility of choosing her books was a key factor in her attaining this challenging goal.  Sophia loves reading which allows her to “escape to different places and walk in the shoes of each character.”

Hereʻs some advice that Sophia offers to attain this momentous goal…

Have a POSITIVE attitude!  Period!  Poor attitude= not attaining goal, choosing books poorly for yourself, & youʻll sell yourself short.

Sophia has now set a new goal for herself for the remainder of the year…3 MILLION words! She said, “Iʻm up for the challenge!”  Are you?

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