Diving Deep in Reading with iPads in Action

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The students have been hard at work using their ipads in the classroom to enhance and broaden their learning experiences.  Here they are using it in their reading groups as we work on our Language Art Literary standards 5.RL. KID.1 that quote explicitly and drawing inferences from the text as well as analyzing the various points of view from characters.  During this time, the students also share their manaʻo on using different ipad tools.  Today, we discussed note-taking and how to use the dictionary while in the notes app to find word meanings immediately.  No lugging around that huge dictionary anymore.  🙂  Hoʻokahi Wai o ka like…We are ALL of one color!  We are a team, we help, learn, and laugh together!  🙂  Thatʻs why we can hardly believe October is upon us.  Go team go!

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