GENRE GOLD: Our 1st Inductees into the Genre Gold Club

Our New Genre Gold Club Inductees! :)

Our New Genre Gold Club Inductees! 🙂

HoĘ»omaikaĘ»i to Sophia and Logan for being the first inductees into the “Genre Gold” club this school year!  They both completed their 9th genre today! 🙂 Yippee!  Remember way back when in August when this crazy idea of reading 9 genres a trimester and shooting for the 1,000,000 words for the school year was announced?  (You might have even thought that the teacher was crazy 🙂  Remember the number of jaws that hung open in shock?  Well, it can be done!  Sophia and Logan are living proof!  Congratulations on reading  9 genres ( and the trimester is not even close to being over)…HoĘ»omau (persevere) and HilinaĘ»i (believe) kaĘ»u iĘ»a!  Hiki no!  🙂  Looking forward to making many more of these announcements as more of the FISH! turn reading into GENRE GOLD!  🙂

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