Launch Is A HUGE Success!

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What a day…we began with our history making iPad launch, rolled right into Art Specials and got to paint with Mrs. Kathleen Kam (a fabulous artist who painted a building mural at our Sister Campus Kapālama Elementary).  We ended our day with a Singapore Math lesson on Model drawing while using our iPads and began using the Puppet Pals app to create a tutorial on “iPad Doʻs and Donʻts!”  When the end of the day bell rang, students packed their iPads into the charging station, all the while saying…”the day was too short!”  “School is over already?”  I love it when students WANT to stay in class when the 2:40 bell rings!  Dive into our day and watch us take our first “dip” into 21st century learning with iPads!  Click on the link below to watch our video!  Happy Aloha Friday… 🙂

Cut and paste the above link if you do not have a flash player 🙂

P.S.  When Mini Me (The Voki on the top right) changes, there is an update message.  To hear the new message, just click on the play button 🙂

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