What a Week! Meeting Greg Tang, Learning about Common Core Standards…Ahhh, the Weekend!

Hi Haumāna,

Iʻm baaack!  Hope your last four days in the class were great!  Sure missed all of you!  I wanted to briefly share with you what I did during the past 4 days… Started way back on Tuesday…Mrs. Hara, Mrs. Pai, and I got up so early (4:10am..every minute counts!) to catch a 6:15 flight to participate in a 2 day training at Kapālama campus with Mr. Greg

Mr. Tang in the classroom

Mr. Tang in the classroom

Tang!  He is a math marvel, nationally-renowned teacher-author, and funny guy from Boston who has shared his manaʻo not only in our country, but all over the world.  We all learned so much from him!  Hereʻs a photo of him working with students at Kapālama.  Hereʻs something to ponder and RESPOND to…What do you notice about dice?  Weʻve all used it, played with it, but have we really noticed it?  Take a close look at a di (one) and share what you notice about it by posting a comment.

For Thursday and Friday, back on campus at a training with other teachers from our High school, middle school, and elementary school.  We learned all about the Common Core standards…which youʻre already learning about and doing in class.

IMG_0580The weekend begins…my boys, Austin and Aidan, are in Kona shooting in a BIIF riflery meet (cross your fingers…all bulls eyes!), Mr. Ah Hee is working on coating the multi-million $ mirror at the Gemini telescope & Iʻm hanging out with Hapa, preparing ipad lessons!  The ipads are FINALLY coming!  Yippee!  We get the ipads on Friday, Sept. 27, first thing in the morning at 8:00am!  Mark your calendars, set your watches, I canʻt wait!

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26 Responses to What a Week! Meeting Greg Tang, Learning about Common Core Standards…Ahhh, the Weekend!

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