Morning Meeting: A Great Way to Start Our Day!

IMG_3540Ever wondered how we start our day…Well, this is how we do it in 5B.  Our team gathers daily for our Morning Meeting.  Morning meeting consists of 4 different components to help the students to begin the day on a good note.  A morning message is posted outside of our classroom to give the students a “heads up” on what to expect during our day by sharing what weʻll be working on.  I stand at the door along with 2 hoʻokipa helpers to officially greet everyone in with hugs and high fives! We also greet a different partner with the FISH! pledge to remind us of what our beliefs are then move into our team sharing.  Our sharing or Manaʻo o ka lā (thought of the day) can range from free sharing by 2 students or an area that we as a team do well on or need to work on.  Students learn to share and present their thought, as well as to be respectful in how to ask questions.  This brings out the leader in everyone!  The last component is activity.  Activities help to foster team-building and it could range from collaborating to share a proper behavior, creating a group handshake together, to meeting to share stories with a clock partner.  All 4 components help to build team work and PILINA among all. We are so lucky that Mrs. Rosehill joins our team every Day 6 too.

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At Kula Haʻahaʻa, we believe that the social/emotional side of our students are as important as the academic side….As I say, heart first and the head will follow…In other words, students need to feel that they are loved, know that they are respected, and truly have a voice that is not only heard, but sincerely valued…then…great learning happens!  🙂  Please ask your keiki all about our morning meetings.  One team, One heart, One World! We CAN change our world!

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