Ohana Alert for the Week of Aug. 26-30

Hi 5B Ohana,

Screen Shot 2013-07-15 at 4.49.23 PMHereʻs the upcoming week at a glance…

A friendly reminder to students:  Keep on reading those 120+ page chapter books of different genres.  Remember that you need to read a minimum of 9 different genres this trimester…Its your choice, use the genre definition sheet to help you and choose books that you love!  Ohana:  Please ask you child about our class reading requirements for this trimester…that would be a great conversation starter! 🙂  Students are assigned 30 mins. of reading daily M-Th and given time in class to read too.  If you click on the the links under our class header (Book Completion Requirements and Genres) it will share more information.  Thank you for partnering with me to help all our students thrive! 

Mon., Aug. 26-Day 2: Guidance with Mr. Kudo.  ʻAha ʻōpio campaigning on going.  Please follow guidelines from Kumu Marcie.

Tues., Aug. 27-Day 3:  Bus Evacuation Drill today.  Jeans Day…must use uniform shirt, jeans must be neat (no rips or frayed ends),  & NOT necessary to tuck in or use a belt.  No flyers will be sent home, be sure to mark your calendar.  Screen Shot 2013-07-15 at 4.49.23 PM

Wed., Aug. 28-Day 4: Swimming today.  Please bring swim clothes and towel today.

Thurs, Aug. 29-Day 5:  Its Birthday Celebration Day today for our August baby…Brianna! Open House tonight at 5:30pm.  I look forward to seeing you… The students look forward to sharing with you too!

Fri., Aug. 30- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS!  Have a great long weekend… 🙂Screen Shot 2013-07-15 at 4.49.14 PM

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