Grade 5 Pilina Picnic…This Friday :)

Hereʻs the flyer that was sent home on Monday, Aug. 19th in case it is lost in a backpack somewhere…Donʻt forget to bring a blanket or lawn chair to sit on and your home lunch!  Please RSVP by posting a comment on the blog, writing a note in the planner, calling, or having your keiki relay the message to me in class, whichever works best for you by Thursday, Aug. 22nd.  Thank you to those of you who have already responded, I hope to give Aunty B a list of visitor names to help make your check in at the office speedy!  Hope to see you on Friday at 11:00am!  Itʻs aloha wear day, youʻre welcome to join in the fun too!

See you soon!

Do you know that rainbows can be a hoʻailona?  A good sign of great things to come!  Our year is off to a good start.  I look forward to partnering with all of you to make it a great one!

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