More Math Marvels Hit the Mark!

Proficient in Multiplication!

Proficient in Multiplication!

Hoʻomaikaʻi to the haumāna who “hit” the target of speed and accuracy for multiplication facts!  Here they are!  Congrats to Lehia, Xander, Kylan, Brock, Logan, Karl, & Miss Sophia!  We are at 45% proficiency and hope to be gaining!  Looking forward to all the students meeting their target for multiplication.  Have a great evening!

Haumāna:  Remember, PINK means a call to action…you must

More Math Marvels!

More Math Marvels!

do something (respond, post, study, etc…always read carefully!)  Please browse through our class blog and get familiar with it.  Post a comment…share your manaʻo.  Here are some questions that you could comment on…choose one:  What do you think is worthwhile?  What was interesting?  What youʻd like to see in the class blog? What do you NOT like?  Are Ohana Alerts helpful?  Do you like videos? Donʻt forget to explain why you feel that way!  Happy reading of our blog!  

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