Breaking iPad News….The 5B FISH! Have “Flipped” Out

IMG_1534 IMG_1532 IMG_1535 IMG_1536 IMG_1533Hereʻs the latest breaking news from 5B and our quest to pilot the iPads in the classroom…Weʻve all “FLIPPED” Out!  Nope, not that kind of flipped out…weʻve flipped our class math lesson.  In a 20th c. class, students listen and learn the lesson in the class with the teacher and then go home to practice.  Well, that works great if all the students have full understanding on the lesson.  If not, oh, oh…its a problem!  A few 20th c. concern that comes up would be that if students have questions-theyʻd need to wait a whole night to ask them and ohana may not be able to help, they werenʻt in class to hear the lesson…Hereʻs the 21st c. solution:  We flip the class.  Now, the lesson is viewed at home, any number of times to get a clear understanding-ohana can watch it too, students take notes on it, and come to class with any questions they may still have on the lesson, as well as ready to practice.  I do a review and get to help the students where they need it and those who understand it and can prove it, can go on.  What a concept!

imageThe students viewed a Khan Academy app lesson on Geometric Angles, Protractor use, & Types of Angles and took notes.  We needed to improvise since iPads couldnʻt go home. I gave students time in class and time when they completed other assignments to view and view again & again if needed.  This happened over a course of a few days and they were given a due date to view the lesson by.  Iʻm happy to report that they took their kuleana seriously and were ready to ask clarifying questions or practice when it was time.

During our practice time, students wrote in their math journals, practiced with a foldable, discussed with peers and asked me questions.  I got to walk around the room and offer assistance and guide students towards understanding individually!  Miss Shonnie and Mrs. Hara offered assistance too.  The lesson went well and students could show what they know with the angles assessment that they were given.  They shared a lot of positive feedback on the “flipped” out class, but  Iʻll let them post a comment so you can read all about it!  Students, please post a comment(s) on the flipped lesson on Geometry strand: Angles.  Tell what worked for you or not, compare this flipped way to the regular way we do math.  Share what helped you learn this concept or even how you felt when it was announced, to when you actually did it  🙂


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