Reading Homework for Thursday, March 14

Hi Students,

After testing group emails yesterday, I thought that emailing all of you would work…tried to email all of you from school as well as from home, but it didnʻt work!  Need to trouble-shoot again…Reading homework, read your own chapter book for 30 mins.  Will hand out the reading TFK tomorrow in class.

**BREAKING NEWS *8:45pm…I sent the article to read to Ms. Richardson, sheʻs going to try and send it from her computer…You still will be given time to read it in class tomorrow, but I know some of you will take kuleana seriously and read it…IF she can send it.  Have a great evening!  Mahalo Ms. Richardson for being part of our team too!  

Updated 3/16** As we pilot the iPads in the class, a huge lesson Iʻve learned…Sometimes even the most carefully planned 21st c. lessons “crash and burn!”  This time it was a glitch with the group emails that held us back, but like all good FISH!…we rode the wave and did our best to hoʻomau!

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