Ohana Alert: Christmas Child Donations Due This Week

Aloha e nå Haumåna a me nå Ohana,
Just sending out a friendly reminder that all Christmas Child donations are due to class this week! The class decided that the girls would bring in donations for a girl and the boys would bring in donations for a boy. We need to fill 2 shoe boxes per gender. Our boxes along with boxes from all the classes will be blessed at our next Ekalesia and then sent off to a child in need from another country. What a great way to teach our children the meaning of kahiau. (To give without any expectation of returns). We are all so blessed to be a part of Ke Ali’i Pauahi’s vision for her people here at school, let us share by blessing someone else. Donation items can be things that all children could use like a hairbrush, a toothbrush & toothpaste, little travel size shampoo or soap from your recent travels, stickers…be creative, be economical, and share to make a positive difference in a child’s life. Mahalo in advance for your aloha!

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