Blog Counter Going Cuckoo!

Hi Students,
It all started last year when one of the former FISH! noticed that our blog counter was recording a lot of “hits”…they started to pay attention. They noticed that we’d get an average of 120 hits a week so, we’d write down the count on our class calendar. It became a habit for me to keep track of the counter as well as the Cluster Map to see what countries around the world were “diving into our fishbowl (looking at our class blog).
I recently noticed that there was a problem with the counter…the count was going down instead of up! That’s surely a problem! I asked our expert…Ms. Richardson, she agreed that it could be a problem with the counter.

What do you think we should do to solve this problem?  I have the correct count from last week, but it went cuckoo this week.  Should we reset it?  Do we start at last week’s number?  Should we reset it to zero? Should we let it go crazy?  Be ready to share your mana’o on this in a class discussion.

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