FISH! Food for Thought #1: Wolves & FISH!- Teamwork

Kaʻu Iʻa,
This is the 1st of many “FISH! Food for Thought” posting that you will see throughout the year. This is for you to ponder, make connections from yourself to the posting and respond to it. Your response should be a paragraph long, thoughtful, share proof/evidence as why you think that, as well as appropriate 5th grade vocabulary. You will be having homework like this throughout the year. Remember, if you have technical issues, the CRBLC, our class, & computer lab has computers that you can use during your free time at recess or after school. Due dates for assignments will be upheld.
For this particular video focus on teamwork, as we are building our team in class. How does this video connect to us as a team. Share your manaʻo. Due on Thursday, Sept. 6th by 9:00pm.  Swim strong!

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