Get Ready, Get Set, Go! LEAP into a Good Book!

Happy BONUS Day! Today is February 29th. LEAP DAY! According to the Gregorian calendar, leap day happens once every 4 years. Why you ask? Well…the common belief is that it takes the earth 365 days to circle the sun once, hence, 365 days in a year. The actual time it takes the earth to circle the sun is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 mins., & 46 seconds. In order to keep our calendars correct, we add one day every four years! Here’s some Leap Day trivia for you: What do you call a baby born today? Nope, the answer is not “poor thing!…3 less birthdays than everyone else) Do you know the answer? If you guessed leapling or leaper than you are so CORRECT! Today is the day! HAPPY LEAP DAY OF THE LEAP YEAR! HAPPY OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY TO THE FEBRUARY 29 BABIES!
The 5B fish normally “dive” into everything with gusto, today, they want to share with you this photo! Learning and having fun is always a high priority with us!

5B LEAPING into a Good Book! Leap Too!

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