FISH! Food for Thought! Morning Message

Morning Meetings in 5B

Hi FISH! of 5b!

Can you believe that a whole trimester has gone by?   The first set of Student-led Conferences are completed,  there are almost 7,000 hits to our class blog from all over the U.S. as well as 10 foriegn countries, we all ate so much pumpkin pie that we feel like stuffed turkeys,  Black Friday has now turned into something called CyberMonday,  and the brrrrrr weather is nipping at our noses!  In other words, we have been a team for awhile.

As we discussed in class, please share your thoughts, comments, what works, ideas to improve, why you like or dislike our class morning messages.  For this blog post, we are focusing ONLY on the MESSAGE. This is part of your homework, it should be thoughtful, careful, and well written.  You can choose to also include what you notice, what can you expect, etc…ANYTHING about messages.  Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.  I will post all comments at once.  Remember, all of your voices are important!

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