Flying Solo – Part II and Flying with Stephanie Harvey!

Mrs. Ah Hee "Flying" with Mrs. Harvey

The class is sure “Flying!”  Not solo, but flying just the same!  The students have been reading the book “Flying Solo” in class and studying how the characters have evolved throughout the book.  The story begins when the teacher is absent and calls for a substitute, but the sub is sick too.  There are many contributing factors that make the system go wrong and no sub shows up…without the office knowing.  Hence the title “Flying Solo.”  The class is on its own and no adult knows about it!  Yikes!

One of the discussions the class had included such moral issues as what would constitute lying, when does not saying anything become wrong, what would be the “pono” thing to do? They came up with categories to put characters from the book in, which included: truthful person, truth stretcher, truth evader, and liar.  Some of the characters have changed categories as the book continues on.  I wonder where all will end up?

Funny how our world is such a small place…as some of the students have commented, “What a coincidence!”  Mrs. Stephanie Harvey (a teacher/author) came to our school to work with teachers…and the training was in our classroom.  She noticed some of our work on our board and got excited with all the learning.  Mrs. Harvey even posted a comment to our blog in the “Teachers Ho’okipa..” posting (she used my computer to do it so look for it).  To make a long story short, she and Ralph Fletcher are great friends!  We know that great questions are the start of great learning and great books bring out great questions…I think we have all of that and we’re hoping to somehow share our questions from our book with Mr. Fletcher himself! That would be great to get some answers and I’m sure it will generate even more thoughtful questions AND contribute to more GREAT LEARNING!  A full circle of learning!  We all know that circles never end….never-ending learning! The FISH! are flying high now!

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