The Teachers of Kula Ha’aha’a ho’okipa Mrs. Stephanie Harvey

Hi Students of 5B,
Our meeting this afternoon was a great success!  All the teacher at Kula Ha’aha’a were so excited to have Stephanie Harvey who is an expert in teaching Language arts on our campus today…and she was in our 5B classroom!  How cool is that!  Just wanted to share with all of you that even teachers continue to learn!  Just like you!
Mrs. Harvey even had an opportunity to dive into our fishbowl and check out some of learning in class.  She was so impressed with your great work using Ralph Fletcher’s “Flying Solo.” I would like you to post a question that we could actually ask Mr. Fletcher that connects to his great book. I can’t wait to see the thoughtful questions that you come up with upon my completion of a training day with Mrs. Harvey.  Here’s a photo of Mrs. Harvey and a some information about her.  Don’t forget, keep your ohana swimming with us by sharing what we are doing in class.  Have a great day and see you all on Wednesday!  A Hui Hou!
NOTE *If there are other classes out there that are also reading Ralph Fletcher’s book “Flying Solo,” we’d love to hear from you and maybe even exchange learning!
Stephanie Harvey

Stephanie Harvey’s education career spans thirty-eight years and includes eighteen years as an elementary and special education teacher and twenty years as a professional developer, consultant and author. She received her BA from the University of Denver and her MA in Education from the University of Colorado. A nationally regarded literacy specialist, she speaks, consults and writes on comprehension, nonfiction literacy, inquiry-based learning, progressive literacy practices and educational innovation.  She has published articles and created a spectrum of educational DVDs and curricular resources, including The Comprehension Toolkit series (Harvey and Goudvis) Her books include Strategies That Work,Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and Engagement (Harvey and Goudvis 2007, 2nd Ed.), which has sold over 800,000 copies to date and the recentComprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action (2009), focused on engaging kids in thinking, understanding, learning and actively using knowledge.


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