Guess Where in the U.S.???

Haumana of 5B, to make this a fun way to share what you learned with your ohana, go and get a ohana member to read this blog post and see if they can guess who we skyped with!  Go on, ask Mom, Dad, Tutu, Big Sis or Bro and see if they know their geography and historical facts!

Ok, ohana members, are you ready? Here we go!

The 5B FISH! Philosophers were off and skypeing again!  This time it was a MYSTERY site.  See if you can follow the clues and guess who we skyped with.  Clues:  Located by the Atlantic Ocean (nope, it can’t be Mr. Cully’s class at Kapālama :))  Crabbing is a major industry (that takes out all the landlocked states) How are you doing?  Make a guess!  Next clue:  Delaware is a bordering state (do you think you know it?)  You’ll see deer roaming the land and bald eagles flying in the sky (hmmm, are you getting warmer?) Here’s a great clue for all you historians out there…the National Anthem was written there by  a person who resided there. (Come on, shout out your guess)  The weather is in the 70’s, but on its way down.  A geographical feature…the great Appalachian mountains.  (Did you guess correctly?) Here’s the giveaway clue:  The state capital is Annapolis.  Yep, you got it, we skyped with Baltimore, Maryland’s Cromwell Valley Regional Magnet School of Technology’s 5th grade class.  They also shared that they are the home of the Baltimore Ravens, have a 6 Flags Amusement Park in their area, and the 8 time Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps hails from their city!  

It was so much fun to guess.  Of course we had our turn to give clues too!  Sharing that we are the home of a mountain that is over 13,000 feet high, have an active volcano almost in our backyard, had a King that unified our islands, have wild pigs roaming the land and surrounded by the beautiful Pacific ocean where surfing is a popular sport.  Once we said “aloha” all of their hands shot up to guess…HAWAIʻI!  They were equally excited to learn about us.

Again, a big mahalo to Mrs. Stack for taking us on this wonderful adventure!  Thank you ohana members for participating in a little look into our class fishbowl and for being good sports and guessing along with us!  Please leave us a comment of this experience!

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