Reminder to STUDENTS,

As we discussed in class, when you see PINK, that is an “action” color…you are required to do something!  It may call for you to comment on a particular blog by answering a specific question or share your mana’o.  It is always a good thing to read comments of others as well as my reply to comments so you are “in the know” when we have class discussions.


If there is a required blog assignment, it WILL BE written in the student planner.  As you know, the students are required to share their assignments with you nightly (student planner) to allow you to “dive into our fishbowl” (see what is happening in class) and get a parent signature.  It is not necessary to check our class blog daily, but a great idea to check at least once a week!  I try to update you especially with the posting called “OHANA ALERT!” You can click on it in the “Categories” section to the right of our blog to give you the latest postings that you might be interested in.   Thank you to all who have taken the time to join in on our blog site & learning!  Together, we strive to THRIVE!

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