Ohana Alert! Updates for the Week of Sept. 6-9

Hope your long weekend was enjoyable.   As we prepare for the upcoming week, wanted to share the information in advance..

Tuesday, Sept. 6: Library Day…This is a great time to encourage your child to borrow books from different genre areas. The CRBLC and Kumu Kanani has so much to offer. Try to suggest a genre that is different from what he/she is currently reading. The students are working toward their 9 genre a trimester goal…I am proud to say that everyone of our 24 i’a are striving for it! They are “Choosing their Attitudes, Being Present, & Playing appropriately” to hit their target!
Thursday, Sept. 8: Hāweo Luncheon for the month of August! Congratulations to Jesse James Crivello and Saige DeMotta…The class and I cannot wait to Ho’okipa your ohana!

Friday, Sept. 9: Huaka’i to Mokupāpapa. We will be there in the Mokupāpapa classrooms to learn about water quality and conservation as well as how we can assist the animals that live in our oceans. NO lunch necessary as we will be returning to school prior to our lunchtime. Regular school dress code applies. Unfortunately, due to size limitations in the classrooms there,  we will not be asking for chaperones, but I’ll be capturing these moments & posting on our blog next weekend for ohana to view the wonderful learning that will be taking place. 🙂

Feel free to contact me through email, student planners, or a phone call if you have any questions or concerns regarding this week, I welcome your mana’o.  Together, let’s strive to help our children THRIVE!

*Heads up for the Week of Sept. 12-16…Monday, Sept. 12 will be Ekalesia & dress whites are MANDATORY.  It will also be a Day 2, Swimming Day!  Please remember to pack your swim clothes as well as a towel.

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