Support our KS Baseball Boys!

It’s a great day for baseball! The Hilo Seniors Little League team is, at this moment, preparing to play in the game of their lifetime! The Senior 15-16 Division World Series Championship Game. The game is taking place in Bangor, Maine(check it out on your maps) and begins at 8:00am Hawaii time(what time zone are they playing in?) today! Just minutes away! If you have a free moment, cheer them on! The 14 squad team, lead by Coach Kaha Wong includes 3 of our own Kamehameha-Hawai’i Campus Warriors. They are Chad Teshima an 11th grader, Chay Toson a 10th grader, and Kaimana Moike a 12th grader! This is one for the memory books for the team, for the school, and for our town. Ho’omau, Gambate, Dig Deep, Go get ’em Hilo! Always remember, if you give it your all in anything you do, you’re a winner! That includes math too! teehee!

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