All 24 Present and Accounted for!

All 24 FISH! Philosphers are now swimming in 5B’s pond!  Welcome back Pōmai!  Congratulations on a job well done!  Pōmai came in 2nd place in the whole Nation for the  standing long jump event at the Hershey’s Track and Field Meet in Hershey, Pennsylvania.  She jumped a whole long 7 feet 3.5 inches!  Wow!  What a feat!  Get it?  Feat…Feet!  Hahaha!

Besides doing a great job on the field, Pōmai was also able to have a great time off the field too.  She toured the Hershey’s Chocolate Factory, all 5 levels of it!  She got to see all the machinery that make those wonderful chocolates.  She also got to go to a water park and amusement park and ride those great death defying roller coasters.

Congratulations again and we’re glad you’re in the pond with us!


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