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May Day Preparations
Mahalo for those of you who are willing and able to kōkua us in Papa ‘Ekolu for May Day. Every student will be wearing pā’ū lā’ī, or a ti leaf skirt. Fifty-five to sixty-five ti leaves will need to be picked and prepared for each skirt.
Below are the two videos that Kumu Hālani suggested for each ‘ohana to watch. The first video shows how to best remove leaves from the stock, clean, and debone the leaves. The second video will show how to make the leaves uniform in length, and shave the stems so the skirts will be full when we make them in school. Have fun learning these important Hawaiian practices and traditions!
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Statement of Appreciation
‘Ōlelo Ho‘omaika‘i
Statement of Appreciation
We, the students of Kamehameha Schools,
In appreciation of our founder, Bernice Pauahi Bishop,
Pledge to develop our potential in all we do,
To strive to meet our responsibilities,
To progress to the best of our ability,
To carry ourselves with dignity and pride.
So we, the people of Hawaii,
For whom she cared so much,
Give thanks on this day of remembrance.
And remain forever indebted to her.
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Reforestation In The Making
As a part of our STEAM unit, Papa ʻEkolu is well on their way to learning how they can be a part of the reforestation efforts here in our very own kaiaulu, at Kamehameha Schools, Keaʻau Campus.
Kumu Noe and Uncle Jason visited with us last week and helped the keiki create a plan for planting and caring for their ohiʻa seedlings. Before planting could begin, they first needed to make a decision on what growing mediums would go into each of their planters. Then,the hands-on work began. Hands got dirty as they created mixtures of moss, cinder and perlite to create the perfect home for the precious ohiʻa seedlings. Then came the positive words of encouragement to help the seedlings grow.
With the help of Kumu Noe’s husband, a shade house was constructed right outside our classroom doors. This is where all forty or so seedlings are frequently checked on and cared for by the haumāna. With some sun, rain and love we hope to see our seedlings sprout within the month.
I mohala no ka lehua i ke ke`ekehi `ia e ka ua.
Translation: The Lehua blossom unfolds when the rains tread on it.
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Keauhou, Kaʻū
Today Papa ʻEkolu had the privilege of visiting Keauhou, Kaʻū to learn more about our native rainforests and how we can be a part of restoring it to what it once was.
This huakaʻi gave the keiki and kumu a chance to not only immerse all our senses in a rainforest but to gain ʻike on what work has already been done and what still needs to be done to get it fully thriving again.
We mahalo members of the Three Mountain Alliance, including Aunty Lahela, for being our kumu today. Not only were we inspired to continue this important work because of our alakaʻi, but also because of how this native rainforest spoke to us through it’s rain, wind, trees, plants, seeds and birds. With this in mind, we leave you with this ʻōlelo noʻeau…“He aliʻi ka ʻāina; he kauwā ke kanaka.”
“The land is a chief; man is its servant.” ~ Mary Kawena Pukui
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Visiting With Kumu Hālani
The photos below show a little about our recent Wednesday experience with Kumu Hālani. Ask your keiki to share with you what they learned that afternoon. Questions/statements to spark a conversation could sound like this…
“What is Kumu Hālani saying in this snapshot?”
“Tell me what you learned…”
“What do you remember from this picture?”
“What should I know about this picture?”
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