
Homework is an extension of what we are learning in the classroom. Research suggest not more than 10 minutes each evening for 5 or 6 year olds.

We will send homework assignments the beginning of each week.

Mondays- Practice sight words by writing it down, finding sight words in books, putting sight words on the refrigerator, any activity that will help students recognize it.

Tuesdays- Talk story time- using a theme we will post, the hope is that you have a conversation with your child around that theme so that your child will have something to share about it. We want families to take some time to talk with your child and share ideas.

Wednesdays- I wonder – Given a picture, students question what they see and what they want to know about. Questions develop critical thinking skills and  students will start to ask questions on their own.

Thursdays- Handwriting practice is crucial for students to develop good habits to form letters correctly.

Fridays- No Homework- students write a Hawaiian Word that we have heard, used or that’s in our unit of study.

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