Happy New Year!


I hope you all had a wonderful break are ready to get back to school!

See you soon!

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More Second Grade Stories!

Aloha!  See below for more stories from our fabulous second graders!

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Collaborating with Kentucky Fourth Graders!

Our fourth graders are collaborating with students from Kentucky.  We are sharing our culture with them and learning about how they live as well.  We created a video thanking them for collaborating with us.  You can view the video on our wiki page: www.fourthgradeconnect.pbworks.com!  On our wiki you will also see pictures of us at different areas on campus.  During the second trimester we will be using the wiki to share pictures and information with our friends in Kentucky.

Posted in Fourth Grade | 5 Comments

Second Graders Begin Planning “Our School” Video!

The second graders have begun the planning stage for their “Our School” video that they are creating to share with students in California.  Second graders from Easterbrook Discovery School in San Jose, California are creating a video about their school to share with us!  Below you can see our students storyboarding their scenes.

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First Graders Finish Digital Reading Portfolios

The first graders did an awesome job putting together their reading progressfolios using Powerpoint.  They learned how to import a picture from kidpix as well as import a video of themselves reading.  These are tricky technology skills that our students were able to learn and use!  We hope you enjoyed viewing their progressfolios at the Student Led Conferences!  Our next projects will be publishing a book about our last Huakaʻi and filming a movie for the “Hi Around the World Project” we are participating in.  Itʻs going to be a busy second trimester!  Here we are scoping out some good filming locations on our campus 🙂

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Third Graders Prepare for Video Conferencing!

The third graders are hard at work in tech class preparing for their skype conferences with other students from around the USA.  We will be presenting on topics ranging from Native Hawaiian plants and animals to daily life at our school.  We are very excited!  Here are some pics of the keiki hard at work!

Posted in Third Grade | 4 Comments

KB We Are Thankful Digital Book!

Here is KBʻs digital “We Are Thankful” book!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Click the play button to enjoy our work, and donʻt forget to leave us a comment!


Posted in Kindergarten | 1 Comment

KA We Are Thankful Digital Book!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our families and friends!   Just press the play button and enjoy!  Please leave a comment!  Mahalo to Mrs. Debus for filming the keiki during music class so they could share their “We Are Thankful” song at the end of this digital book!


Posted in Kindergarten | 5 Comments

Kindergarten Begins We are Thankful Digital Book!

The Kindergarten classes have begun creating their Thanksgiving Books about the things they are thankful for.  These books will be a digital book.  When they are complete they will be posted here on my blog and you will be able to see and hear the many things our keiki are thankful for!  Take a look at them working hard below:

Posted in Kindergarten | 2 Comments

2A Shares their stories below!!

Grade 2Aʻs stories are almost all completed!  See below for some awesome, creative digital tales!  The remaining stories will be posted upon completion some time next week!  Great job second graders!!

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