Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Goals this Year….

I did a lot of thinking over the summer about my goals for this school year. Being the technology teacher, I definitely want to have our keiki use some really cool tools to create awesome projects. But, my goals reach … Continue reading

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I hope everyone is having a great summer break! I am enjoying my time working on my Master’s Degree and planning for next year. Less than a month before school begins! Yay!!

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4th Grade Virtual Sharing

The Fourth Graders were able to share a mele with a fourth grade class in Ohio this morning (take a look at the short video below).  The students in Ohio were very jealous of us because it was 7 degrees … Continue reading

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Exciting new projects!

Each grade level will begin working on some exciting new projects this January!  The fifth graders will beginning directing, filming, starring in, and editing their own short videos.  The fourth graders are beginning a podcasting unit.  They will be sharing … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

Aloha! I hope you all had a wonderful break are ready to get back to school! See you soon!

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First Graders Finish Digital Reading Portfolios

The first graders did an awesome job putting together their reading progressfolios using Powerpoint.  They learned how to import a picture from kidpix as well as import a video of themselves reading.  These are tricky technology skills that our students … Continue reading

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