Myths and Legends Story Creator

Today the first graders were the first group able to use the web based Myths and Legends Creator.  Your keiki can use this website and many others that we use in class at home by going to – first grade.  The Myths and Legends creator is number 10!  Enjoy using these tools to spark your imagination!

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Jake Shimabukuro Jammin on the Ukulele!! LOVE THIS!


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Skyping with Ohio and Maine!

The third graders had the exciting opportunity to skype with third grade students in Ohio and Maine this week!  We learned all about winter weather (and even saw the snow outside the studentʻs window in Maine) and many other things.  Please ask your keiki what they learned from the students they skyped with!  Enjoy the pictures below!

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Fifth Graders Begin Movie Project!

The fifth graders had their first lesson in movie making today.  Groups of fifth graders will be creating a video with the goal of entering it in the Youth Xchange Video Competition.  Today the fifth graders had their first change to explore the different tools in imovie.  To see more information about the video competition you can go to

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Second Graders Begin Photography Unit

The second graders began their photography unit today.  They learned about the different parts of a camera, the basic elements of photography, as well as a little bit about the history of photography.  Groups of students started brainstorming ideas for their photography project.  After taking their photos the second graders will be creating slideshows and sharing their work on the teacher blogs.  Stay Tuned!!

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Third Graders begin Glogs!

The third graders have begun working on their own glogs!  A glog is a virtual poster that combines text, images, and videos.  Our third graders will be creating glogs to share what they have learned about our beloved Princess Pauahi.  To check out some example glogs you can go to  Students are also allowed to work on their projects at home (if permission is given by their parent/guardian).  After following the above link students can click on log in, enter the information they were given in class, and then start glogging!

Posted in Third Grade | 1 Comment

Fourth Graders: Here are some podcast examples…

Fourth Graders:

Please listen to one or more of the podcasts by clicking on the link below and then scrolling down until it says “Examples of Podcasts.”  Under “Examples of Podcasts” please choose at least two different podcasts to listen to.  Then leave a comment answering this question:  What makes a great podcast?

Here is the link:

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Fourth Grade Podcasting Project Has Begun!

The fourth graders were introduced to the basics of garageband today as they began their podcasting project.  After listening to a variety of different (and very interesting) podcasts, the fourth graders were able to explore the ins and outs of garageband.  They will be creating their final podcasts to share with their epals and fellow students across the United States, in Ireland, and in New Zealand.  Take a look at them hard at work 🙂

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Online activities for Kindergarteners!

Today the kindergarteners explored three very cool websites!  On these websites the kindergarteners participated in a virtual dinosaur dig as well as created an online roller coaster and finished some online puzzles.  To access these and other sites that the kindergarteners use in class visit our wiki at and then click on Kindergarten!

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Exciting new projects!

Each grade level will begin working on some exciting new projects this January!  The fifth graders will beginning directing, filming, starring in, and editing their own short videos.  The fourth graders are beginning a podcasting unit.  They will be sharing their podcasts with other fourth graders around the world!  The third graders will continue to skype with other third grade classes as well as create Glogs to share what they have learned about Princess Pauahi.  The second graders are going to delve into photography while the kindergarteners and first graders explore a multitude of online activities and digital storytelling opportunities!  It promises to be a fun filled new year in technology class!

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