Second Graders Hard at Work!

Check out some action shots of the second graders working hard using imovie, Photoshop, and Garageband! They are doing an amazing job using all three of these programs to create their photo projects!

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Is this an “awesome” glog?

View the Glog below. Do you agree that this glog is an “awesome” glog? What do you like about it? What don’t you like? What ideas might you consider for your own glog? Be specific in your comments 🙂

Posted in Fifth Grade | 13 Comments

Skyping with Illinois and Florida!

Take a look at the pics below of our third graders Skyping with other third graders in Illinois and Florida! We have been learning so much from all the places we are connecting with.

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Second Grade Photography Project

The second graders are working hard on their photography projects! They have been using Adobe Photoshop to edit their photos. They have also begun importing their photos into imovie to begin creating their slideshows. An awesome addition to their slideshow will be a song that they create in Garageband! How do the second graders feel about using these programs? Take a look below…

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Fourth Graders Begin Hawaiian Animals Unit!

Kumu DeSa and I began a collaborative unit with the fourth graders this week.  Check out the Prezi below to see what the unit is all about!

Posted in Fourth Grade | 3 Comments

Fifth Grade Videographers Hard at Work!

The fifth graders are doing an awesome job filming and editing their videos.  We look forward to sharing the videos with everyone as soon as they are completed.  For now, here are some pics of them hard at work.  Enjoy!

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4th Grade Virtual Sharing

The Fourth Graders were able to share a mele with a fourth grade class in Ohio this morning (take a look at the short video below).  The students in Ohio were very jealous of us because it was 7 degrees there!!!  Later this month our fourth graders will be performing via skype at a school assembly for a school in New Jersey.  We love sharing our culture with others!

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The Power of Music

Ok guys….why did I share this one?

If you can’t see the video because YouTube is blocked click on the link below to view it:

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Second Grade “Kodak Moments”

The second graders are well into their unit on photography.  After perusing the campus and taking advantage of photo opportunities, the second graders learned about some of the cool things they can do with a photo using Adobe Photoshop.  The students will be creating slide shows with their photos that we will post for all to see!  Here they are hard at work!

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Fourth Grade Podcasters at Work!

The fourth graders are busy working on their podcasts!  Check out the pics of them below as they write, record, edit, find images (with sources), and work together to create their podcasts.  They will be sharing their podcasts with other third and fourth graders from around the United States, Ireland, and New Zealand!

Posted in Fourth Grade | 1 Comment