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Tag Archives: Growth mindset
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
Hi Students, Hereʻs the image from Sylvia Duckworth that we analyzed in class today. It shares the difference between Fixed mindset and growth mindset…Review it again below. Have you ever had a fixed mindset? Briefly describe it and now how … Continue reading
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Tagged Growth mindset
Growth Mindset #2: Ho’omau
Happy Monday ka’u i’a! Use our class discussion and the infopic above to help you answer the question of the day. Share your thoughts by writing a paragraph. Please think about connections to the questions that you ask yourself. Revise … Continue reading
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
Closely look at both infographics below created by Sylvia Duckworth and share a paragraph (minimum) on a personal connection to growth mindset in a specific subject area. Think of a specific situation in class and share when you adopted the growth … Continue reading