The haumana have been carefully watching the blog counter go up, up, up! If you visit our blog regularly, you may be wondering why the blog hits have reached 10,000, but the cluster map has NOT. You may have wondered aloud “Why the discrepancy?” Dispcrepancy: dis·crep·an·cy: difference; inconsistency. Hmmmm? Why do you think that is? We wondered the same thing. We even had a class discussion awhile ago on just clicking back and forth to watch the counter, but the students agreed that that would be “unethical,” “not right,” “not pono!” So, what did we do about it you ask? Of course, we did some exploring and found that if you click on the cluster map, you will find the answer! Go ahead, click on it, see for yourself. We found that the cluster map only registers hits ONCE per household, for every 24 hours. To us, that means if you have multiple ohana members using the same computer and checking out our class blog, our blog counter will count each member (every member counts-just like ALL our voices in class), but the cluster map will register it only once until 24 hours have lapsed. Another 5B Mystery SOLVED! By the way, speaking of mysteries…”Chasing Vermeer” By Blue Baillot is a great mystery to read, don’t forget…9 genres for Trimester #3! 🙂
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