HS Online Communication: Tuesday, 4/26

Classwork & Homework

1. Create a link to your photo gallery.
2. Discuss the content which you’ve uploaded to your blog since our last class.
3. Join a PD community; post and/or reply to a comment
4. Be prepared to share about the PD community you joined (how is this community useful to you as a resource for teaching and learning?)

Online Communication tools for professional use and development:
1. Don Tapscott
2. Innovative Educator
3. Classroom 2.0
4. Edutopia
5. Twitter

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ES/MS Online Communication: Thursday, 4/21

Classwork & Homework

1.  Please continue to work on resizing photographs.

2. Review the handout on uploading photo batches.

3. Follow the steps in the handout in order to create a link on your blog to your KS Photo Gallery. You can determine which page you would like to have the link on.  KS Photo Gallery URL:  http://gallery.ksbe.edu/maui/main.php/v/ksusername

4. Add a photo to a page or a post on your blog.

5. Add another type of media file to a page or post on your blog.

6. Remember to sign-in today, and have a wonderful Easter weekend with your families!

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HS Online Communication: Tuesday, 4/19

Classwork & Homework:

1. Please practice resizing your photos using the photo resizer that was sent to you in an earlier email. Once you have selected the photos you would like to resize, right click, select resize picture, and then pick medium.

2. Next, please select two of your resized photos. Please upload these photos into your media library first.

3. Please place these photos in your blog. Place one of the photos in a page. Place one of the photos in a post.

4. Please upload a pdf to your media library. Next, create a link to this pdf in either a post or a page.

5.  Remember to sign-in for today’s class.

Here are the directions to upload media to your blog. Please refer to pages 8 & 9.

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Photoshop Stuff

Here are the directions for our Photoshop project.

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Google Forms Quiz Tutorial

Please click here to access the tutorial.

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ES/MS Online Communication: Thursday, 4/7

Please complete the following assignment by our next class meeting on 4/14.

Review the following education blogs:



Review the lesson plan format, the NETS-S & NETS-T standards that your received in class today, and begin to think about your final project.

In class today you will learn about:
ISTE Standards: Review NETS-T & NETS-S
Managing the Media Library:
What is a Media Library?
How is the Media Library organized?
What types of file types are supported in the Media Library?
File size limits – 5 MB per file
Resizing photos
How to upload photos/media to the Media Library

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Question for 4/5 Class

What makes a good educational blog?  Your answer should be at least two sentences long.  Have a wonderful weekend.

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HS Online Communication: Tuesday 4/5

Please complete the assignments below by our next class meeting on 4/12.

1. Post a comment on the course blog post titled “What makes a good educational blog?”
2. Develop your own or find classroom guidelines for student posts and review with your students. Here is a good place to start your search: http://www.techlearning.com/article/Blogs/23336
3. Create a new post in your blog for your students to comment on, related to a current classroom activity
4. Create a static page on your blog
5. For our next meeting, please come to class with at least 2 digital files of photos to post on your blog. Have an idea of where you would like to place these photos.

Today during class you will learn about:

What is a Tag?
What is the Difference between a Category and a Tag?
Adding Tags to a Post

Adding Comments to a Post
Setting comment options as an administrator
Suggested guidelines for student posts
Guiding your students to publish appropriate posts
Moderating comments

Blogs – Creating Pages
What are Pages?
What is the Difference between a Post Page and a Static Page?
Adding additional static pages

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Question for 3/31 class

What makes a good educational blog?  Your answer should be at least two sentences long.  Have a wonderful weekend.

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ES/MS Online Communication: Thursday 3/31

Please complete the assignments below by our next class meeting on 4/7.

1. Post a comment on the course blog post titled “What makes a good educational blog?”
2. Develop your own or find classroom guidelines for student posts and review with your students. Here is a good place to start your search: http://www.techlearning.com/article/Blogs/23336
3. Create a new post in your blog for your students to comment on, related to a current classroom activity
4. Create a static page on your blog
5. For our next meeting, please come to class with at least 2 digital files of photos to post on your blog. Have an idea of where you would like to place these photos.

Today during class you will learn about:

What is a Tag?
What is the Difference between a Category and a Tag?
Adding Tags to a Post

Adding Comments to a Post
Setting comment options as an administrator
Suggested guidelines for student posts
Guiding your students to publish appropriate posts
Moderating comments

Blogs – Creating Pages
What are Pages?
What is the Difference between a Post Page and a Static Page?
Adding additional static pages

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