HS Online Communication: Tuesday 4/5

Please complete the assignments below by our next class meeting on 4/12.

1. Post a comment on the course blog post titled “What makes a good educational blog?”
2. Develop your own or find classroom guidelines for student posts and review with your students. Here is a good place to start your search: http://www.techlearning.com/article/Blogs/23336
3. Create a new post in your blog for your students to comment on, related to a current classroom activity
4. Create a static page on your blog
5. For our next meeting, please come to class with at least 2 digital files of photos to post on your blog. Have an idea of where you would like to place these photos.

Today during class you will learn about:

What is a Tag?
What is the Difference between a Category and a Tag?
Adding Tags to a Post

Adding Comments to a Post
Setting comment options as an administrator
Suggested guidelines for student posts
Guiding your students to publish appropriate posts
Moderating comments

Blogs – Creating Pages
What are Pages?
What is the Difference between a Post Page and a Static Page?
Adding additional static pages

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