Rules, rules, and more rules

April 14th, 2009 by tinakamo


On Thursday Ms. Perry reviewed the safety rules for swimming and she said, “there are rules for everything you do.” Do you think this is true? How do you feel about rules or guidelines at home and at school? Do you think we need them?

Posted in General Discussion | 14 Comments »

14 Responses

  1. Naiya Says:

    I think the rules are true.We need them to be safe at the pool so we dont get hurt.I think that the girl on the show that said the rules were junk shouldn’t say that because the rules are for our saftey.

  2. Te Kaha Says:

    I think some rules are kind of boring but I know with out rules our planet wouldn’t be safe and billions of people wouldn’t be safe so I follow them.

  3. La'akea Says:

    I think rules are good.Rules are there to protect you so you don’t get hurt. That’s why you should always be safe. Cause if no one is watching you can get hurt badly.

  4. Nadia Says:

    I think rules are meant to be.
    Without rules people will be doing
    things that can hurt or injure people.

  5. Brycen Says:

    I follow the rules because my cousin slipped and almost broke
    his bone and I don’t want a broken

  6. stacy Says:

    We need rules as much as a balloon needs air because you need rules to be safe.It is true that there are rules for everything you do.And I feel fine with the rules at school and at home.

  7. Kristin Says:

    I think that rules are good beause they keep us safe and heathy (but sometimes I think rules are JUNK)! Yes I do think that we have rules for every thing that we do. I wonder if grown-ups sometime don’t like some rules. If we didn’t have rules everything would be wrong. People wouldn’t care about what they do or how they act. So thats why I think rules are good.

  8. Tanner Says:

    Some time rules are ok but some I think are JUNK like Kristin said.

  9. Brycen Says:

    I think rules are ok Tanner and I
    do think rules are JUNK!

  10. Kala`i Says:

    I think we need rules because it keeps us safe.I wish there were NO!
    RULES IN MY HOUSE!!!!!!because I would feel FREE!!if my dad says yes.

  11. Chaeana Says:

    I think we need rules because without any rules everyone would do what ever they want and things might get out of hand also without rules there would be more shooting and stabbing well maybe without any laws also.

  12. Aulii Says:

    Me to I think the same thing Chaeana.

  13. JACOB Says:

    Hi I am not the only person that dosint like rules but at the same time rules help you cause if their was no rules for writing it would sound rong.

  14. Stacy Says:

    I sometimes like rules but sometimes I think are JUNK!

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