He Is Risen!

March 15th, 2012 by tinakamo

Yesterday we talked about the meaning of Easter. What do you think is important to remember about Easter? Tell us about something new you learned.

Posted in General Discussion, ‘Ohana | 14 Comments »

14 Responses

  1. Ka'ena Says:

    If JESUS never died for us we would not go to heaven. I think it is the true meaning of Easter.

  2. Kainani Says:

    I learned that it is not about the candy and money some of the time it is about how jesus died on the cross and to find time to pray.

  3. Pono Says:

    Jesus died for us because we sin a lot. HE did this so we can go to heaven.

  4. Zoey Says:

    If Jesus didn’t die he wouldn’t wash our sins away.I lrend that
    Easter is abot the easter bunny.

  5. jordyn Says:

    I think Easter’s true meaning is thanking JESUS for dieing on the cross for are livs. and I feel sad beacause JESUS was being condemed.

  6. Keali'ikupono Says:

    If JESUS never died for us we wouldn’t have are sin’s washed away.I lerned that you have joy doing the ester egg hunt.

  7. Ethan Says:

    Jesus died for are sins and the people chose the merterer for jesus

  8. Kawena Says:

    I learned that Jesus died and rose again for 40 days. And Easter is not aobut the Easter bunny.

  9. Hailey Says:

    JESUS died for awre sin’s so we can go to heven and wosh away awre sin’s. And I lrnd that ester is not gest abowt the ester egg ore the candy.

  10. Raymi Says:

    I learnd that God had 12 deasipols.

  11. Raymi Says:

    EAster is about easter not the easter buny.

  12. Nadia Says:

    Easter is not about candy and etc
    it’s about Jesus .he has 12 deasipols and Easter is about Jesus
    died for are sins so we can go to heaven and wash are sins away. and
    Jesus died and rose again for 40 days

  13. Bella Says:

    Easter is about how Jesus died
    on the cross for us and rose again
    not about the candy and the easter

  14. Kainani Says:

    On ester JESUS died for are sins and he could of got off the cross but he did not so if he did that for us then we can do something for him and he also wants us to have fun. And I like to fine the golden eggs.

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