Family Wonderings

March 12th, 2012 by tinakamo

We’ve been learning a lot about our families and families that might be different from our own. Usually when we learn about things we start to wonder about them. What are some things you wonder about your family?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 19 Comments »

19 Responses

  1. Ethan Says:

    I wonder if my grate grate grandma is alive

  2. Kainani Says:

    I wonder if my grate grate grate
    grandparents are still alive?I wonder how old my grate grate grandparents are?

  3. Ka'ena Says:

    I wonder if my family is going to have a family get together with my whole family this year or next year?

  4. Jaya Says:

    I wonder if all the pepole in one family speck the same language

  5. Keali'ikupono Says:

    I wonder how old my mom’s mom is. I think she is in the 60’s.

  6. Pono Says:

    I wonder how old my baby cousin is. I could find out by asking my mom or dad.

  7. Zoey Says:

    I wonder what my dads dads looks
    like and how old he is. I will ask my tutu.

  8. Kawena Says:

    I wonder what my grate grate grandpa looked like?I can get that information by asking my grandma to see a pictre of him.

  9. jordyn Says:

    I wonder if my mom had any one to play with beacause she is a only child and her mom/dad probroly had to work. i can find out the answer by asking my gung gung/grandma. I think she had toys to play with beacause when I go ther, ther are toys.

  10. Erihana Says:

    I wonder when my great grandpa Harold died because he died before I was born. I wonder how he died. I could ask my mom because she saw my great grandpa Harold because he was my mom’s grandpa.

  11. Hailey Says:

    I wonder how old is my grate grate Grand father? Maybe I can ask my Dad ore ask my grate Grand father.

  12. Ka'ena Says:

    I think I could figure out when we will have our next family get together by asking my mom. I could even ask dad.

  13. Jaya Says:

    I think I can find my anwser to” do all pepole in one family speck the same language” by seeing what ethnicity thy are.

  14. Nadia Says:

    I wonder how much pepole I have in my family. I think I have 60 pepole in my family. I wonder in the old days if my great great great grandparents youes to smoke. I think I can as my papa or my grandma.

  15. Kala Says:

    I wonder if we are going to have a family reunion? I wonder what are all my ethnicitys are. to answer I can ask my dad.

  16. Keola Says:

    I wunr if the brorne my dad grow up in is still thar.
    Did a trado hit the bran hows? did
    you go in a safe pias at the bran
    hows ?. my dad can say the atsr.

  17. Bella Says:

    I wonder if I have a great
    grandparent alive?I wonder how many
    ethnicitys I have?I think I have
    seven ethnicitys.I think I can
    find out by asking my parents.

  18. Daniel Says:

    I wonder if I have more then twenty-two coisons I think I mitht ask my Mom,Dad,Popo and Gunggung,Grandma and Grandpa Uncles uncle Terry or uncle Peter or mabe my aunts aunty Laurie or aunty Lisa if I had twenty-two coisons incluting Kumulu.

  19. Raymi Says:

    I wonder haw my life is going to
    go. I can white and see.

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