Channeling Your Inner Oni/Jiso

April 9th, 2009 by tinakamo

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I know you had a wonderful time acting out stories with Mrs. Hackler today because you told me so! Why do you think you enjoy dramatic storytelling so much? Do you think it’s good for your health? If so, why? What does it allow you to do? Share your thoughts and feelings about drama with Mrs. Hackler (here on our blog).

Posted in General Discussion | 11 Comments »

11 Responses

  1. Kristin Says:

    I think that it helps your health because it keeps you moving around and it keeps you awake! I think I like dramatic storytelling because it is super fun and it is really, really FUNNY!!!

  2. Tanner Says:

    The part that my group cleaned was the window. Me and Tekaha were spitting on the window and Stacy and Naiya were wiping. One of them were useing there feet and one of them were useing one finger.

  3. LA'AKEA Says:

    MY favorite part was when we made Jiso poses. I like my 3rd pose because I was pointing to the heavens above.And I looked like a super hero.

  4. JACOB Says:

    I like when she called us up and we acted like onis and I walked super weird and I said “give me my mube peeeez.” It was so funny. I also liked Brycen’s performance.

  5. Hokupa'a Says:

    I dont think that oni really do things right away.”AGHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAH”.No hard feelings oni.Okay anyways,dont tell them I said this.They STINK at cleaning up.
    If you do tell them say “NO OFFENSE!”

  6. stacy Says:

    I liked the part when I got to lift my leg up to act out the oni. The best part about that was when we acted out the chores as onis, just like Ms. Hackler said in the story.

  7. Maia Says:

    I had lots of fun being a jiso. But being an oni was kinda funny. When I was doing my oni poses I felt really funny.When I did my jiso I felt less wierd.

  8. Brycen Says:

    I had lots of fun being a jiso and
    when I was an oni it was funny.
    I agree with you Hoku they do stink
    at cleaning.

  9. Auli`i Says:

    I had lots and lots and lots of fun playing the oni.
    Our group was the funniest.

  10. Chaeana Says:

    I think the most funny part on that day was when I got to see the Oni walk and talk. The most funny Oni was La’akea!

  11. Aulii Says:

    We were drinking soda so we could not finiish the boat.

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