Let’s Take a Hike!

March 14th, 2011 by tinakamo

Mahalo to Mr. Tschillard, Mrs. Kutsunai and our fabulous chaperones for leading us through this hike!  Why do you think this hike was led by our P.E. and Science teachers?  What did you notice?  What did you learn?  How is what you noticed and learned connected to what you are learning in P.E. and Science?

Posted in General Discussion, Health, Science | 17 Comments »

17 Responses

  1. Taylor Says:

    Wow what a day at aiea loop trail I saw a purple mushroom bjut this dose not anser any of the questions. The plant part and insect part is all science and the PE part is all the hike.

  2. Isha Says:

    I think we were leaded by Mr. schillard and miss kutseni because hikeing is like exsercising and science is like exsploring the natuer.I notice that you can eat kukuie nuts.I learned that the heau is for people who are sick and teach them how to heal sick people.I think the things that we learnd in science is insects and plants. I think that the things that are connected to P.E is going on a steap hill and part of walking is exsersice.I alszo think what P.E is connected to eating healthy while you are hikeing and drinking water is healthy to and it gives you energe to hike like on a steap hill

  3. Austin Says:

    I noticed that there was a friut that I have never heard of a cherry guava.I also didn’t know that this god was a Humuhumunukunukuapoaa.Well the exercice part was for P.E. and the observing of the different stages of plants was for science.

  4. Kainani Says:

    I think that the hike was led by the P.E. and Science teachers ’cause we got to exercise (P.E.), and we got to observe plant/bug cycles (Science). I noticed that every tree (except Pine) had chew holes in them. I learned that the pinecone thingy was a flower. I think they connect ’cause Mr. Tchillard says we have to eat to be strong (Notice), and we study plants in Science (Learned).

  5. Sarah Says:

    I think we were leaded by mr. tchillard and mrs. kutsani because in PE we exsersise like hiking and science we observe stuff like we all did. I noticed that alot plants were in diffrent stages. I learned that the Heaui was used for people to come and the heaui will heal people that are sick. What Iearned and what I noticed connect to science because in science you learn alot and noticed alot about plants.

  6. storm Says:

    I think that we were led by Mr. Tschillard and Mrs. Kutsunai because the hike was active and verry much like P.E. and in science we are learning about plants and bugs or insects. I noticed that the noni tree in front of the heiau got taller since first grade. I learned something I forgot. The heiau is for healing and something like med. school, and some scientist think that the koa tree smells like lemon but what really smells like lemon is some kind of plant from Australia. Well in science we are learning about insects and plants and at the hike we learned stuff about plants not so much about insects. I can`t really think of any thing we learned in P.E.

  7. Cade Says:

    I think that the reason that this hike was led by our P.E. teacher is because we had to walk really far up the mountain and that required us to be strong and healthy. Mr. Tschillard keeps us in shape by making us run and do exercises.

    I think that our Science teacher, Mrs. Ktsunai, led us on the hike because she knows about lots of plants so she can teach us about the different types of plants.

    I noticed that most of the plants were bigger than me. And I noticed that there were many birds and insects. I also noticed that it was kind of easy for me to walk up the mountain. And I noticed that there was lots of fresh air. My body felt good.

    I learned that the Kukui Nut tree has leaves that look like a pig’s face and that the air I was breathing was fresh from the trees.

    Today the things that I learned and noticed connects to what I am learning in P.E. and Science. I learned that we take in carbon dioxide from the plants and when we give out the oxygen the plants take it in. I learned that we need the plants and the plants need us.

  8. Kamuela Says:

    I think that Mrs. Kutsunai and Mr. Tschillard led the hike because we were getting exercise on the hike and because we could observe plants and other stuff that we saw on the hike.
    I noticed that after I ate snack by the dead grass there was this fuzzy plant that I never saw before that had pink in the middle and felt weird. I learned that the place that we saw with the ti leaf before the hike was used to teach people how to heal other people and if you got hurt you could go to that place.
    The plant I noticed is connected to science because in science we observe plants. When I learned about the place with the ti leaves it’s kind of like going to the dispensary if you get hurt when I’m at PE.

  9. TREVOR Says:

    I think mr. Tschllard led us because hiking is exsersizeing
    aND MRS kutsunai led us because we are absorbing nature in science .
    tree and plant are nature that we saw .

    i notice at aiea loop trail there is mud and at makapu lighthouse there is road and c-ment .

    i learned that in australia that is where the smell of the liman of the koa bug

  10. Jolie Says:

    I had fun on our hike today! I think it was led by our PE teacher and science teacher because when we walked up the mountain we’re exercising and when we studied the plants that’s like science.

    For PE I noticed that it is harder to go up the hills. For science I noticed that there were more plants and trees than last year.

    I learned that the eucalyptus is from Australia and the leaf smells good. We have those trees at school too. I also learned that there are very steep hills on Aiea Loop Trail. The trail got more narrow as we got closer to the top and at the top it was a big open area.

    In science we learned about leaves, plants and rock and on the hike we observed all those things. In PE we jog and walk and thats how we got up the hill!

  11. shayni Says:

    I think Mr.tscillard and Mrs.kutsunai was leading in the front because they have things to say and they have more important things to do and they know where to go.I noticed the leaves smelled like things like lemon and I saw a lot of moss on the rocks and I heard birds chirping.I learned you have to listen so you can hear things and see things and also learn things you dont no.The field trip was conected to science and P.E because on the field trip we learned things we had a scavenger hunt for science and for P.E we exercised are bones and walked a long time and work really hard

  12. Trey Says:

    I think that Mr.Tschillard and Mrs. Kustsani did the Hike because Mr.Tschillard teachs us about phycical education and I think Mrs.Kustsani came because she helped us learned about plants insects and the life cycle of plants and insects. I noticethat there was Strawberrygowava trees. I learned that Strawberrygowava trees came from the South Eastern Berizl. I also learned that Strawberrygowava trees are envasev plants. I can connect to science because we learned about life cycles on the hike and we learned about life cycles in science at school. I can connect to P.E. because we were exersising and I felt tired like when we run or jog at P.E. at school. When I run or jog at P.E in school I feel tired and that is exersising.

  13. Aidan Says:

    I think MR tschillard led us because he likes to walk,jog,and exercise.I think MRS Kutsnai led us because thiers lots of nature and plants.I noticed these green stuf on the gound.I learned that the heiau was a heeling and traning place.The hikeing part was connected to P.E. and the plants where connected to science.

  14. Kuha'o Says:

    Wow! That was a blast. I never heard o f strawberry guava and that it only grows in places that have many rain The walking part is like P.E. and the plants are what we been learning in science like the stages sprouting then flowering and fruiting. In the Heiau there was a fruit that was smashed and it looked grose. On the hike when we were coming back I was not tired but when we were going up it was tired and hot.

  15. Joshua Says:

    I think Mr. Tschillard and Miss Kutsunai lead the trail because they knew where to take a break and to write our notes. I noticed that there was a grave. I noticed trees that fell down and plants,trees and roots and fruits. I learned that strawberry guavas came from southern west of Brazil and they where brought here and they need to be in a place where it rains a lot. My learning part relates to science because we where learning about plants and the hiking part was excersizing and that’s what we do in P.E. we excersize.

  16. Kahiehie Says:

    Because we where exercising and looking at plants that is science.I noticed that the plants has scents.I lerned that ka puaa hid in the forest on the kukui nut tree.Even the humuhumunukunukuapuaa is the ka puaa.I learned that the pepole come visit the forest to heel the pepole and they test pepole or animals.

  17. jireh Says:

    I think mr.tschillard and mrs. kutsunai led our hike because msr. kutsunai is a science teacher and mr. tschillard is a P.E. teacher. when shanyi found the hole thing of the kukui it had 1 2 3 1 was the skin 2 was the part that protect the seed 3 was the seed. I learn that you can do hikeing with eny body.

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